{title:What was it Blessed God} [G]What was it, [C]blessed [G]God, [G]Led [C]Thee to[G] give[C] Thy [G]Son, [G]To yield [C]Thy well-belo[D]ved For [Em]us by [D]sin undo[G]ne? {start_of_chorus} <<< REFRAIN >>> [G]T'was love unbounded l[C]ed Thee thus To [D]give Thy well-bel[Em]oved for us. To [C]give Thy well-b[D]eloved for [G]us. {end_of_chorus} [G]What led Thy S[C]on, O G[G]od, [G]To [C]leave Thy t[G]hrone o[C]n hi[G]gh, [G]To shed [C]His precious [D]blood, To [Em]suffer [D]and to [G]die? {start_of_chorus} <<< REFRAIN >>> [G]Twas love unbounded lo[C]ve to us Led [D]Him to die and [Em]suffer thus. Led [C]Him to die and [D]suffer [G]thus. {end_of_chorus} [G]What moved Thee[C] to im[G]part [G]Thy S[C]pirit f[G]rom a[C]bove[G], [G]Therewith [C]to fill our [D]heart With [Em]heavenly[D] peace and[G] love? {start_of_chorus} <<< REFRAIN >>> [G]Twas love unbounded lo[C]ve to us Moved [D]Thee to give Thy [Em]Spirit thus. Moved [C]Thee to give Thy [D]Spirit [G]thus. {end_of_chorus} [G]What love to [C]Thee we[G] owe, [G]Our [C]God, for [G]all [C]Your g[G]race! [G]Our hearts [C]may well over [D]flow In e[Em]verlast[D]ing p[G]raise! {start_of_chorus} <<< REFRAIN >>> [G]We join, O Lord, to [C]praise Thee thus For a[D]ll Thy boundle[Em]ss love to us! For a[C]ll Thy boundless l[D]ove to u[G]s! [G]We join, O Lord, to [C]praise You thus For a[D]ll Thy boundle[Em]ss love to us! For a[C]ll Thy boundless l[D]ove to u[G]s! {end_of_chorus} {start_of_tab} {Key: G}